Sunday, July 11, 2010

Insight through Soccer

There is a reason the world cup is one of the greatest sporting events on Earth.
People from different backgrounds and ethnicities can get along so easily by such a small commonality as a game of soccer.
This weekend I played soccer with many people I had never met in my life. I walked on the field and was immediately accepted onto one of the teams. Good team work received more praises then selfish goals, and points didn’t really matter. I think something can be learned from this.
Soccer is not a gentle sport. While playing people were kicked, tripped, and tackled, and blood was shed. Yet there was no anger and confrontations. Perhaps another lesson:
Before my friend’s birthday party I went into a store to pick up water balloons. The clerk, a middle aged Middle Eastern man looked like he was having a normal boring day at work. We exchanged a few words, as I made my purchase. As I was walking out the door I asked him if he was watching the world cup. His face lit up as he told me that nothing would stop him from watching the final. I have the feeling we could have talked for hours about the world cup.
If such a small thing in common can help us overcome racial and cultural barriers, and the abuse of complete strangers (soccer game on Elbel field), what’s your excuse?

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