Monday, July 5, 2010

It's Not Easy Being Special...

...but I have a plan!

A plan to set our blog apart from the zillions out there:

Plan Part 1: Fewer Words, More Graphics

Plan Part 2: Blabbing with Listening
Let’s face it: there are millions of blogs lying around with blab that is rarely read. There is just too much blabber and not enough reading, so I am pledging to go "blabber-negative" with my posts. For every one of my posts, I promise to read at least two posts of others. Should I learn some fascinating facts, I’ll re-share them with you! That’ll definitely go along with the plan’s part 3.

Plan’s Part 3: Fun Facts
Did you know that Meerkats can close their ears to keep out sand? …didn’t think so. It's no secret that people love fun facts. These days, too much of the internet's material is dedicated to useless arguments over what's real and what's make-believe. Well, facts are fact, and facts are useful, so stay tuned for some useful facts to impress all your friends!

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